import Scene from "./scene";
* A scene that renders to a SVG element.
export default class SVGScene extends Scene {
* Creates a new SVGScene.
* @param {number} width - The width of the SVG.
* @param {number} height - The height of the SVG.
constructor(width, height) {
super(width, height);
this.svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
this.svg.setAttribute("width", width.toString());
this.svg.setAttribute("height", height.toString());
this.svg.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);
* Renders the scene to the SVG. Preferably don't await to keep the animation smooth.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the scene has been rendered.
* @async
async render() {
this.svg.innerHTML = "";
const defs = document.createElementNS("", "defs");
for (const [index, object] of this.objects.entries()) {
this.renderObject(object, [index], defs, this.svg);
* Renders a VectorObject to the SVG. Internal use only.
* @param {VectorObject} object - The object to render.
* @param {number[]} index - The index of the object.
* @param {SVGDefsElement} defs - The defs element.
* @param {SVGElement} parent - The parent element.
* @returns {void}
* @private
renderObject(object, index, defs, parent) {
const g = document.createElementNS("", "g");
g.setAttribute("id", `group-${index.join("-")}`);
if (object.num_curves === 0) {
const subG = document.createElementNS("", "g");
for (const [child_index, child] of object.children.entries()) {
this.renderObject(child, [...index, child_index], defs, subG);
const path = document.createElementNS("", "path");
if ( {
path.setAttribute("id", `path-${index.join("-")}`);
path.setAttribute("d", this.renderPathData(object));
path.setAttribute("fill", this.renderFill(object, defs, index));
path.setAttribute("fill-rule", object.fill_rule);
path.setAttribute("stroke", this.renderStroke(object, defs, index));
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", object.stroke_width.toString());
path.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", object.stroke_line_cap);
path.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", object.stroke_line_join);
path.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", object.stroke_miter_limit.toString());
path.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", object.stroke_dash_array.join(" "));
path.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", object.stroke_dash_offset.toString());
if ( {
path.setAttribute("transform", `matrix(${object.transform.a} ${object.transform.b} ${object.transform.c} ${object.transform.d} ${object.transform.e} ${object.transform.f})`);
if (object.num_children > 0) {
const subG = document.createElementNS("", "g");
for (const [child_index, child] of object.children.entries()) {
this.renderObject(child, [...index, child_index], defs, subG);
* Renders the path data of a VectorObject. Internal use only.
* @param {VectorObject} object - The object to render.
* @returns {string} - The path data.
* @private
renderPathData(object) {
let path_data = "";
object.subpaths.forEach(subpath => {
const start = subpath.get(0);
const end = subpath.get(subpath.len - 1);
path_data += ` M ${start.x} ${start.y}`;
subpath.cubic_bezier_tuples.forEach(tuple => {
path_data += ` C ${tuple.first_control.x} ${tuple.first_control.y} ${tuple.second_control.x} ${tuple.second_control.y} ${tuple.end_anchor.x} ${tuple.end_anchor.y}`;
if (start.equals(end)) {
path_data += " Z";
return path_data.trim();
* Renders the fill of a VectorObject. Internal use only.
* @param {VectorObject} object - The object to render the fill of.
* @param {SVGDefsElement} defs - The defs element.
* @param {number[]} index - The index of the object.
* @returns {string} - The fill.
* @private
renderStyle(style, defs, index, prefix) {
if (style.color) {
return `rgba(${}, ${}, ${}, ${style.color.alpha})`;
if (style.linear_gradient) {
const linear_gradient = style.linear_gradient;
const linearGradient = document.createElementNS("", "linearGradient");
linearGradient.setAttribute("id", `${prefix}-linear-gradient-${index.join("-")}`);
linearGradient.setAttribute("x1", linear_gradient.p1.x.toString());
linearGradient.setAttribute("y1", linear_gradient.p1.y.toString());
linearGradient.setAttribute("x2", linear_gradient.p2.x.toString());
linearGradient.setAttribute("y2", linear_gradient.p2.y.toString());
linear_gradient.color_stops.forEach(stop => {
const stopElement = document.createElementNS("", "stop");
stopElement.setAttribute("offset", stop.position.toString());
stopElement.setAttribute("stop-color", `rgba(${}, ${}, ${}, ${stop.color.alpha})`);
return `url(#${prefix}-linear-gradient-${index.join("-")})`;
if (style.radial_gradient) {
const radial_gradient = style.radial_gradient;
const radialGradient = document.createElementNS("", "radialGradient");
radialGradient.setAttribute("id", `${prefix}-radial-gradient-${index.join("-")}`);
radialGradient.setAttribute("cx", radial_gradient.c.x.toString());
radialGradient.setAttribute("cy", radial_gradient.c.y.toString());
radialGradient.setAttribute("r", radial_gradient.r.toString());
radialGradient.setAttribute("fx", radial_gradient.f.x.toString());
radialGradient.setAttribute("fy", radial_gradient.f.y.toString());
radial_gradient.color_stops.forEach(stop => {
const stopElement = document.createElementNS("", "stop");
stopElement.setAttribute("offset", stop.position.toString());
stopElement.setAttribute("stop-color", `rgba(${}, ${}, ${}, ${stop.color.alpha})`);
return `url(#${prefix}-radial-gradient-${index.join("-")})`;
if (style.image) {
const pattern = document.createElementNS("", "pattern");
pattern.setAttribute("id", `${prefix}-pattern-${index.join("-")}`);
pattern.setAttribute("x", "0");
pattern.setAttribute("y", "0");
pattern.setAttribute("width", "1");
pattern.setAttribute("height", "1");
const base64 = style.image.base64;
const image = document.createElementNS("", "image");
image.setAttribute("x", "0");
image.setAttribute("y", "0");
image.setAttribute("width", style.image.width.toString());
image.setAttribute("height", style.image.height.toString());
image.setAttribute("href", `data:image/png;base64,${base64}`);
return `url(#${prefix}-pattern-${index.join("-")})`;
return "none";
* Renders the stroke of a VectorObject. Internal use only.
* @param {VectorObject} object - The object to render the stroke of.
* @param {SVGDefsElement} defs - The defs element.
* @param {number[]} index - The index of the object.
* @returns {string} - The stroke.
* @private
renderFill(object, defs, index) {
return this.renderStyle(object.fill, defs, index, "fill");
* Renders the stroke of a VectorObject. Internal use only.
* @param {VectorObject} object - The object to render the stroke of.
* @param {SVGDefsElement} defs - The defs element.
* @param {number[]} index - The index of the object.
* @returns {string} - The stroke.
* @private
renderStroke(object, defs, index) {
return this.renderStyle(object.stroke, defs, index, "stroke");